Producing steel frame structure for the construction industry requires precision and effective working process; besides meeting the design requirements and the client's requests, metal structures must guarantee long lasting safety and reliability.
This is why Technologica's metal frame structures are produced with high quality materials and in compliance with Italian and European regulations.
Since 2006, we adhere to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for a quality management system for design, production and installation of metallic shutters and metallic carpentry.
Since 2016, we also adopted the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system, and starting from 2010, a system for the workers' safety and security in compliance with UNI EN ISO 45001:2018.
As for the production of structural components for steel building systems, Technologica adheres to the standard set by 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 and since 2011 performs in-house welding for structures up to EXC4, in accordance with UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2021.
After effectively completing public works on tender, Technologica possesses: SOA OG1 for class III bis building construction, SOA OG2 for class III bis renovation, SOA OS18-A for class V steel constructions, SOA OS18-B for class III façades, SOA OS6 for class II wood, plastic, metal and glass finishing works.
Finally, we comply to the Italian Legality Protocol and with ANCE's (National Association of Building Constructors) Ethical Code, as demonstrated by our two stars Legality Rating.